Costs related to transfer of sponsorship of housemaid


Could anyone here tell me the process and costs related to transferring the sponsorship of a housemaid? I am looking to transfer sponsorship of a phillipino housemaid who worked for another family for the last 2 years, I want her to work for me but before I commit I need to know how much it will cost? She also needs to renew her passport with the phillipino embassy and as her sponsor she wants me to pay for this too.

Transfer of sponsorship and stamping of visas would cost around BD60 to 75 from what I remember.

You will need to get a work permit first.
Then cancel her current visa.
Next stamp a new visa.

I am not sure employers are responsible for paying passport renewal charges. You could do this as a gesture of goodwill, but it is not your responsibility. And the potential maid needs to understand that.

You will be responsible for providing air fare to an international airport near her home upon successful conclusion of contract - usually after two years.

Trust the above is what you were looking for.

Many thanks Farhaz, exactly what I was looking for. I have now got an agent handling all the visa/sponsorship paperwork.