Koh samui thailand versus cuenca ecuador prices

I am living in koh samui and thinking of relocating to ecuador.

been reading a bit.
so far my conclusions are:

living in koh samui is cheaper than cuenca correct? I was dreaming about moving there from thailand but it seems to me to be more expensive.

I can rent a bike pr. month here for 100usd. (renting in ecuador seems crazy prices of 30usd pr day)
1 liter gasoline is 1usd
I rent a nice half wood half concrete house in expat area with good garden in community. lots of greens and garden to play in. around 550usd incl ALL utilities etc. its a 1 bedroom. western style. monthly basis. deposit 300usd.
1 meal in good Spa resort restaurant(healthy) easy gets to 15usd.
local thai food restaurant is around 2usd, but then its cheap oil, white rice, supermarket ingredients.
home cooking is cheap cheap around 2 usd pr. person depending on quality of items.
maid 2 hours a day, 100usd month.
buy new scooter 2000usd
dentist making a whole in the tooth less than 100usd(good standard)
health insurance is high here. easy spend 1500usd year.

We are a couple living here as kings and queens for around 2000usd pr. month. How does this compare to cuenca lifestyle cost?
I see VERY different opinions and numbers from people reporting from ecuador. we are a bit confused over here :) please help us out.
We would like to keep living standard off course so we are trying to figure these numbers out.
Anyone having experience with both countries in this forum here?



Hi cadoia and welcome on board!

I hope other members will be able to advise you soon ;)


There are websites that compare the cost of living in various places. Some of them are just guesses, but others are done professionally.

Based on what I've seen (disclaimer: I do not live in Ecuador. Yet.) one can live very well on the same amount that you mention. Food, of course, can cost more or less, depending on whether you try to buy American food at the supermercado, or are happy with fresh, locally grown produce and meat, which even in the US is cheaper at farmers' markets!

I recommend that you subscribe to the email newsletter Gringo Tree, as well as the online publication Cuenca Highlife. There are frequently offers of apartments and homes in Gringo Tree, and links to various restaurants, etc, in Cuenca Highlife. Both can give you a more realistic view of the actual cost of living in Cuenca. So many of the websites that are geared to North Americans are unnaturally high in price. Good luck!

thank you very much.

I found lots of sites now after this initial post. awesome read.

we are going for sure :)

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There was a comprehensive post covering the cost of living in detail for Quito for a family of 3. The conclusion came in at around 350usd per week. I might have read it in on of the members blogs, I'm not too sure. It included a moderate standard of living, mostly public transport and occasional taxi fares. Have a hunt around , you may find it. If I find it first I'll put it up here. The 500 per week to live as kings and queens is around the mark probably. Thailand is awesome, I want to go to Ecuador with a view to living there, at least for a while. I'll be surprised if it beats Thailand, but I'm keen to find out.

I have lived in Cuenca for over 2 years and have a blog that should help you very much.  It offers helpful information for people considering moving here.

Regarding cost of living, I believe, based on your cost-of-living figures that you would probably find your costs to be about the same.  We bought our own condo, so our costs are about $1,600.00 a month (no rent required).


Good luck.


Hi----I know Thailand quite well and have been there many times over the last 25 years. The big difference between Thailand and Ecuador is elevation. Cuenca is around 8000 feet if I remember correctly and it is never hot, unlike Thailand. Ecuador does have beaches if that is what one wants. Cuenca is the center of "gringo land" and prices there are high than the smaller towns. On a scale, I say Ecuador is cheaper if you compare apples to apples. I was at Koh Tau when it cost $5 a day and meals were $2 maybe but those days are gone. Ecuador is also on the US dollar so no need to watch the baht. Hope this helps.

Based on your figures it is cheaper here in Cuenca. We live in one of the nicest condo buildings in Cuenca, built to western standards partially furnished, new washer, dryer, stove, fridge, brand new condo, 3 bedroom 2 bath, including electric, water, gas, building charge, security, gym, steam room, sauna, high speed DSL & Cable TV we pay $500.00 per month. Last night we had 3 skewers of beef, chicken, potato, onion, etc for $1.00 each and a Grande size cold beer 24oz $1.00, total $4.00. Buying groceries at the local market a couple can eat well for $30.00 a week, I did a test last week, I usually don't keep track and we spent about $30.00. This included chicken, shrimp, fresh fruit, vegetables, etc. I did not include alcohol. You can buy a nice bottle of wine from Chile for under $6.00. Buses anywhere in town .25, run every 15 minutes, if you are over 65 the fare is .12 and a cab anywhere in town is $2.00. Also if you are 65, all air travel originating in Ecuador is close to 50% off, all airlines not just Ecuadorian Airlines. I know of at least one couple that pays $200.00 for a nice two bedroom apt, in a great location with a view of the river. If you would like more information email me.

Paul Fine

Hola, I've lived in Cuenca 3 years now. Before that I lived in Chaing Mai 4 years. Guesthouse's in Chaing Mai rented for around $300 a month for a large one room and bath.Here I rent a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 3 floor walk up for $350, electric in Chaing Mai cost a a lot because of the need for air cont. Here no need for air, my electric bill is around $10 per month, gas $ 2-3 dollars. If you need the heat this is not the place for you.

Hello Paul
Are you the Paul Fine involved in the project Acqua Cuenca? Would really love some information and to meet you. I think we met before.