Mystery shopper at Abu Dhabi airport

We are an international market research provider dedicated to improving premium and luxury brands performance. Currently we have interesting mystery shopping program in Abu Dhabi airport. And we will pay travelers nicely to join this program.
What you need to do is simple: visiting designated shops in the airport,fill in on line questionnaire, you can earn nice money!

Feel free to contact me should you have any travel plan.([email protected])
Thanks a lot.

Hello. Thank you for this information.

Please post details of the remuneration, conditions, requirements, how fees would be paid to the shopper and some more information about the company (where it's based, where its Abu Dhabi office is located and so on) here, so that we can all see and evaluate the terms.

I am casting no aspersions at all on you or your company, but I receive a dozen offers in my SPAM mailbox every day to become a mystery shopper. If followed up, these offers would have asked for fees for "training" or a "one time" fee to "join".

I'm sure you'll agree that a reputable company such as yours would jump at the opportunity to show its trustworthiness.

In the meantime, I work in the Market Research industry, so I am personally interested in this affair.

Thanks for your interest.
Please see the details about Albatross Global Solutions ( We never  ask for any cost from the shoppers. 

If you could kindly register with us at, wed be happy to have you participate in our surveys.
We will need you to fill in your profile completely, as this is how we will find a suitable project for you.

Once done, then please let me know your log  in ID to give you more details. ( gkim[at]