Who's supposed to protect us from the POLICE?

Well, the Policia Militar do Estado de Rio de Janeiro have surpassed themselves this time.

During a protest near Rio's Maracaná Stadium on Sunday police attacked a Canadian journalist filming the protest. Jason O'Hara was thrown to the ground when another officer came along and kicked him in the face. He was also robbed of some of his equipment by police. This was a completely unprovoked attack on the journalist.

The Journalists' Union said that, besides Jason, 14 other journalists were also victims of police aggression. Police advanced, launching tear gas grenades and a round of violent outbursts then followed. Three cheers for the PMERJ.

Starting to look more and more like we've got to call the crooks to protect us from the cops here! What a heck of a thought that is.

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Globe & Mail story and video

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team
