

My name is Kelly and I am looking to network with people living in Myanmar. If you are living there, I would love to hear from you. My partner and I have an NGO called SAVEarth and we are starting a project in Myanmar in Jan 2015 and would love to pick your brain. Thank you.


Hello Kelly,

Your topic is now on the Myanmar forum.

nice goal. can u please elaborate what type of people you are looking for and what is going to be the engagement type.

Thank you, Christine. :)

Hello :)
We are starting a fellowship in pediatric orthopedic surgery for local doctors who wish to sub-specialize in pediatric orthopedic. We are doing this in Yangon. We are looking for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who work with children in all of Myanmar who can help us identify and bring children who need orthopedic care to the Children's Hospital in Yangon for treatment.


Hi Kelly,
I got your name from Expact blog, I am a foreigner and living in Myanmar. I have worked in NGO and looking for to work in NGO. Would you please tell me about your NGO/organization and possibility if I can work with you.

My email address is, please communicate with me in detail.

Look forward to hear from you.
