Best route to Boquete

Which airport is the best?  and what is the best transportation to Boquete. Thanks in advance

There is no "best" airport.  There is the David Airport that services Air Panama.  To get from David airport to Boquete you have a few ways.

1.  Cab will run you $30-50
2.  cab to the David bus station $3-5 and take the Boquete (school bus) for another $2
3.  rent a car at the David airport and get the best rate you can

You can rent a car in Boquete if that's more convenient.  You can get around in Boquete using the local bus or a taxi but for a small town, the areas are wide.  If you just need in-town things to do, don't bother with a car.  If you are looking to move, you will want a car at least for a few days.  Many areas are high in the mountains or farther from center than you can walk.

Thanks for the info! Really appreciate it! Being a newby is all about questions.
Thanks again