Pepper spray or mace in Ecuador

Is there any problem with carrying a small container of pepper spray or mace in Ecuador. I am asking about the legality. If it's legal to carry it, is it available to purchase in say Cuenca and would those with some experience think it was a good idea? In asking this question, I don't want to fan the flames of fear because in our experience, Cuenca is much safer than any other major city that I've spent significant time in. Unfortunately, there are at least a few bad people everywhere.

You can buy it, it's legal.  I've seen it for sale in Cuenca.

Yes, you can carry it around. I have been doing so for over 6 months now, ever since an attempt was made to mug me by some misguided youth. I was fortunate to get away without any loss or injury then, but realized that lady luck may not smile every time!
They are sold at almost every camping gear store and at a SWAT stores. Only you can not have it on your person, or in your carry-on bag in a flight. The airport security will take it away. Checked bag is no issue.

well at least its good to know we can buy it in Ecuador you do not have to bring it from the states....

thank you for asking that question we are moving there in august of this year and we are not so old  and not so young so it's to know I have "something" to protect ourselves....