Ecuador bringing back postal service

Ecuador bringing back postal service.

We revive this thread, which was active in 2015-16,

noting that Ecuador's Club Correos service and

later its Correos del Ecuador postal-delivery service

(defunct since 2018) both closed down in

recent years.

It may surprise some of our newer members to

learn that a country that has been popular with

Expats has not provided postal service for

quite a few years.

Apparently, that situation is changing for

the better.

Ecuador's government is reviving postal service

for packages .. under a new name. Correos is

gone. The new service, which uses the old

Correos facilities, is called Servicios Postales

de Ecuador .. and has been functioning for

package deliveries from some countries

since mid-August (2022).

More than a dozen countries -- including

the United States, Canada and the U.K --

are having packages delivered to

addresses in Ecuador. The list is contained

in the article at

on which this post is based.

Servicios will apparently not be attempting

to be as full a service as Correos aspired to.

Information about the cost of package delivery

based on two available levels of service,

is included in the Cuenca Highlife article.

Hello ccmedia,

Since the last thread was quite old, here is your new topic on the Ecuador forum.

Thanks for sharing


Your package from 2017 may be

coming you way.

Correos del Ecuador is defunct, but packages

from up to about five years ago .. can still be

delivered or picked up, at least in major cities.

The procedure to obtain undelivered packages

from 2017-19 is written up at .. so I won't attempt

to repeat the nine-step process here.