EP APPLICATION STATUS- how long it will take?

Passport No    Last Submission    Status
                    16 February 2022    Submitted/Documents verification                                                                               

Draft - The application is currently in draft status. Kindly complete the form and submit the application to proceed for the next stage.
Pending payment - The application is on hold for processing until payment is made.
Submitted/Documents verification - The application has been submitted and is currently being processed for data accuracy and document(s) verification.
Decision stage - The application is scheduled to be presented to Expatriate Committee.
Pass Approval Stage - The application is successful and pending for pass approval.
Pass Issuance Stage - The application is approved. Company may proceed for endorsement process.
Endorsed/Completed - The pass is already endorsed in the applicant's passport.
Application Cancelled - The application is no longer in process.
Application Cancelled - The application is no longer in process.
Return to Company - The application is returned for amendment of info or further information is needed.
Reject - The application is unsuccessful as per the decision by the Expatriate Committee.
Deferral -The application processing is on hold for internal checking by the respective team as required by the Expatriate Committee.

I check my entry pass status it was showing like that how long it will take

Hello shajipallipad,

Welcome to Expat.com  :cheers:

I hope someone will be able to assist you soon.


Expat.com team

Dear all,
              I didint get any valuable replay for above subjects until now

Hi Cheryl,

Can you refer me to a good immigration specialist in Kuala Lumpur?

Need assistance with visa