Glass recycling

Does anyone know where you can recycle glass bottles somewhere near QB, Rose Hill, Curepipe area. There used to be a glass recycling bank in a car park in Curepipe, but it seems to have been taken away.
Tried the glass museum at Phoenix also - they couldn't advise where to recycle.

Do you need the recycled product or just somewhere you can leave the glass for recycling?

There's a recycling bin at Shoprite (parking at the back where they usually organise slalom events etc..

Shoprite and Jumbo both have recycling banks, but neither take glass.

Anyone else have any suggestions? I can stretch to Port Louis, if anyone knows a place there.

I have seen selective sorting bins in Port-Louis at Caudan near to the Casino  but can not tell for sure if they take glass.

Good luck I am also struggling to do recycling and did not find the one at Shoprite grrr


Hi All

For your recycling needs across the island, please see the following link:

(apologies to the management for link to a competitor!)

Unfortunately, it seems there is no glass recycling anymore.

Smilucile wrote:

I have seen selective sorting bins in Port-Louis at Caudan near to the Casino  but can not tell for sure if they take glass.

Good luck I am also struggling to do recycling and did not find the one at Shoprite grrr


Unfortunately the one behind the casino in caudan doesn't have a glass compartment.

i fink only branded glass bottles can b recyle