Would be great for help - get PSE without cedula

Hi everyone,

I am back after a long vacation, I am about to make a plan to visit Colombia sometime soon, I need two things to get, Exito mobile package to buy and some (can gift) prepaid card (Visa or MasterCard) with PSE security, all this reason I want to do it myself before I come to Colombia.

Anyone willing helps me to buy exito mobile package and I can wire. I don't know it is the appropriate way.
Please advise me how I can get PSE without cedula and I know I have to be in Colombia to do this.

I have a Colombian number already, and I can recharge and can't buy packages through the internet, I hope anyone here knows how to do it.

Thank you,

Liber87 wrote:

I am about to make a plan to visit Colombia sometime soon, I need ... (can gift) prepaid card (Visa or MasterCard) with PSE security, all this reason I want to do it myself before I come to Colombia...

Please advise me how I can get PSE without cedula and I know I have to be in Colombia to do this.

Dear Liber,

It's unclear why you would have to be in Colombia to obtain a bank card with PSE security.

Obtain the foreign card before coming to Colombia and you will find that banks and/or ATM's in La República will generally honor it .. unless the machines run out of cash late in the day.


Sorry for very late response, I do have foreign bank card. Just one issues is when I trying online shopping for gift to my girlfriend and her family. Every time visit always ask PSE access. I know only way to do obtain forgeiner cedula able open bank account in Colombia.
Otherwise I was looking for health insurance for myself and my colombian girlfriend. I can't call to colombian local private insurance for quote. (Because I am deaf and my girlfriend thinks very expensive) and I want to find out. Anyone know average monthly private insurance for local residents (no expat)? Would great to know. Thank you