Brazil passport stamp numbers

   i think it was expat who had an effective explanation of the numbers on a Brazilan entry stamp,on passport, but now I cannot find it.  Any help appreciated!

Gardda wrote:

   i think it was expat who had an effective explanation of the numbers on a Brazilan entry stamp,on passport, but now I cannot find it.  Any help appreciated!

I really am sorry, but you have lost me. Maybe try again or someone else can explain?

Hi Gardda -

Entries stamped in a passport  (whether in Brazil or any other country) relates to following:
Country : you arrive in or leaving. 
Departure OR Arrival date
Status: Visitor - Tourist
Length of Stay:  Varies between 60 to 90 days - depends which country you arrive in.
Colour of stamp could be either blue or red to differentiate between arrival or departure.
Spanish speaking countries use terms such as "Entrada"  "Salida" 

Is this what you were after ?
I cannot think of any other explanation.
Trust this helps.

I used to collect stamps on my passport.  The 2 most memorable was a stamp from the "Gods Terminal in Hell, Norway" and the "Calgary Stampede, Canada".  I know they are not immigration stamps, but there are no hard and fast rules as to what may, or may not appear in/on the Visa pages, they don't invalidate your passport.

Cynic ....

Well..... certainly worth  going back in time ...... & you got me looking at my old passports & some that I am unable to decipher...   

One stamp is:  Canada.  Pacific Highway as point of entry.   Must have been journey by road from USA to Canada - must be Seattle to Vancouver.   
Another one with dates - Chinese characters & numbers (could be immigration officers id's)...  worked it out to be Peking in an old diary but of course it is Beijing.....
Couple of small paper ones similar to bus tickets with written notes and a signature...  from RSA & Antigua & Barbuda..... 

Nothing as welcoming as yours re Norway.  Think there is a town called Hell in Norway...   was it Hell where you arrived/landed  ? 

Anyone else with funny entries.....

Regards/Stay safe.
