Moving to Medellin from Europe as entrepreneur .

Hi ,

I trying to establish myself as entrepreneur in Medellin (IT services + investing stock + crypto trading
activities )  .  I visited Medellin few times before and i am now coming for few months to explore residency.

1 -  Does anyone have a experience  opening this type of business (virtual things )  ? (I subscribed to Medellin Guru) , I know the money requirement for business visa but still a little lost as i technically dont need to spend a lot to get started. As i already my investment portfolio +  IT services are virtual.  (Of course i will look for advice ).   I am not asking for advice here ,only to learn from your experience or ideas. (Maybe connect me to person).

Dear Crazy Ernie,

I have a sense you will enjoy Medellín.  It is a friendly place for entrepreneurs and digital businesses.

As you meet Expats in the Paisa capital, you will learn which Expat group(s) are active and can network with them and those you encounter online or elsewhere.

My favorite sector is Expat-friendly Poblado.  It's beautiful and some call it the Beverly Hills of Colombia.

Don't plan of getting by in English alone in communicating with the locals.  Step up your studies so you qualify for your 'second soul'.


Hi Thank you @ccmedia ,

I am a French native which is helpful in Spanish  :D , Thanks for the tips i will focus on my Spanish.
