What struck you about Tunisia?

Hello everybody,

When you first settled in Tunisia, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in Tunisia and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here.
We would like you to share with expats-to-be what you discovered once you arrived in Tunisia: customs, traditions, interesting or fun facts etc.

What were the things that surprised you the most after your arrival?

Are there any practices that are particularly out of step with your culture of origin? If so, what are they?

What do you think about them?

Did you get used to these and adopt some of these traditions or norms?

Do you think you would take some of the customs of Tunisia with you if you were to return to your home country or move to another country?

Thank you!

Expat.com team

Hello Cheryl.

Hope everything is good with you.
Well I don't know if I  could help you in my experience during my 6 month passed in Tunisie.
But will tells you about what concern my case, and point of view.
I've came form Lebanon, where the culture and the traditions are mostly the same as all MEA countries, and more than I've already been in 11 countries before working and living, so adopting is my way of living and barely effected me or even noticed.
But what i hated here is how you may struggle to get a stability situation, in this country.
My wife is Tunisian/Lebanese and I have a Tunisian/Lebanese daughter.
But i didn't get my residence paper yet, that means can't work officially, can't open a bank account, if i got any check Banker in DT i am not allowed to exchange it, or transfarre to my wife account, my all life is frozen, while they once asked me for an income source of living.
I am not the only one or i don't have a special case, but that's the law which follow everyone with a similar situation.
Hope all these will help you to get your Studies and future plan done, and all expats friends.
Best Regards