Valid reason to travel to UK

hello, got a plane  booked for friday, can someone please tell me if someone will ask my the reason im flying to uk?
im flying from italy, i know all that covid test and quarantine stuff, just wonder if someone is gonna ask me why i am flyng there.

thanks in advance

Hi and welcome to Forum.

They can ask you that question whenever they like; only UK nationals have the right to enter the United Kingdom.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Good luck
"Essential" travel seems ok.  " Essential" is not a law - it is bureaucratic interpretation.
Take careful note - record yr conversation and make it obvious.  ?Name and ID of the official.  Request (demand) precise reason for any refusals.  What law is being applied?
Good luck

so i made the trip, and what i can say it that no one cares what are u doing there...
all they want to check its if u got ur 2 covid test booked, thats all

Yeah, my daughter arrived in the UK on Thursday; she tells me that the emphasis was more on the Dutch side where people were being denied travel because of inadequate reasons; when they got to the UK, it was just a check of the Locater form and passport.

Both she and her husband have since had follow-up contact from the Border Police.  Just making sure they were aware of the rules they said.