English translations of these Romanian Sentences and Phrases?

Yes, are o faþã !

It's okay, oricum noi doi
o sã ne combinãm.

Dar sunt în serie !

Tâmpitul ãsta de Sam zicea cã o sã-i prindã.

ªi nici aºa !

Sã ºtii cã nu ne plictisim.
În curând vom fi trei milioane !

Lasã, cu meseria ta, o sã-þi gãseºti
ºi mâine de lucru !

Ca sã nu vã deranjez de mai multe ori.

Grenada e mai stânjenitoare
decât celelalte...

Mai ales cã dacã nu-i impresioneazã
mitraliera ºi pistolul...

Singura diferenþã e greutatea,
fiindcã zgomotul produs...

Aºa, trebuie sã mãturaþi zone.
Daþi-i drumul !

ªi acum, se vor întreba cu toþii
de ce sã nu intre în panicã.

În spatele tejghelei, cu faþa la tine,
sunt casiera ºi funcþionarul.

- Acum, hai !
- Degeaba mã forþez, nu vãd nimic.

ªi nu încercaþi sã vã opuneþi inutil !
Vrei ?

Golim casa ºi o ºtergem !

Sã riscãm 15-20 de ani la zdup pentru
un bacºiº ?

El se aflã în poziþia celui care cere.

Aºa cã eu îl strivesc, îl zdrobesc !

O sã sarã pe noi din spate,
ºi dracu' ne-a luat !

Îþi dai seama cât ne-ar costa
o prostie ca asta ?

Mâine e vineri, e Crãciunul..
Se face punte ºi stãm aici pânã luni !

Dacã nu vreþi sã vã petreceþi aici
sãrbãtorile, anunþaþii dumneavoastrã.

ªi cât mai repede, ca sã câºtigãm timp,
cã mai am ºi altceva de fãcut.

Dacã îi telefonãm direct ministrului
câºtigã vreo patru ore.

Spun toate chestiile astea mai ales
pentru dumneavoastrã.

O sã fie un mic Berbec!

Sã nu te miri dacã o sã te ia
drept un gãgãuþã !

Tâmpeniile astea grosolane mã îmbolnãvesc !

Mã îmboºnãvesc !

O sã vezi tu acasã ce mutrã ai...

Acum, n-o s-o þinem aºa o sutã de ani !

Nu ºtiu dacã o sutã de ani,
dar vreo 15-20, precis !

Dacã nu m-aº fi oferit eu, sunt sigur cã...

Mai ales, în ce mã priveºte.

Îi spui ºi cã, acum, e tarif de noapte.

Primele luni vor fi mai grele
pentru un om activ, ca dumneata...

Mi-a zis sã-þi spun cã eºti ºi tu
în gãleatã !

El a râs unul, dar ºi tu, la fel !

Great! Paul, i-am dus cu preºul !

Nimic, dar ºtiþi cum e, când te enervezi,
glonþul pleacã singur.

Daþi order...

Suntem drãguþi, dar þi se dã atât,
iar tu vrei atât !

În caz de eºec, nu mai poate fi vorba
de pensionare înainte de termen.

Care pe care !

Ne urcãm în maºinã, ne branºãm
pe frecvenþa poliþiei ºi demarãm.

Dacã am înþeles eu bine, furãm niºte hârþoage
ºi o ºtergem cu ele în maºinã. Nu e idiot ?

De fiecare datã, aº fi putut scoate
din bancã orice doream.

Chiar dacã, în cel mai rãu caz,
vã prind pe voi, nouã ne rãmân banii.

Ne-ar da pe mâna sticleþilor,
gorila asta !

Solid, plin de cicatrice rituale
ºi cu ochii injectaþi.

Ãsta nu e cadrilaj, e strecurãtoare !
Apel cãtre toate maºinile.

Acesta e al dumneavoastrã.

- ªi celãlalt ?
- În birou. Ãla e terminat.

Nu are toatã lumea norocul
sã aibã de a face cu dumneavoastrã.

Nu vã mai amuzaþi !
S-ar putea sã vã schimbaþi pãrerea repede !

Nimic, dl cowboy a vrut sã facã
figura cu pantoful ucigaº.

No, there was no bloodshed.
ªtii dor cã nimereºte mereu alãturi.

A rupt numai puþin afiºul
cu dobânda de 16%.

Aºa cã ceea ce veþi târî în maºinã
va fi o fiinþã lovitã... Come here !

Mã rog, o parte fiindcã bancnotele astea
mici, nu prea sunt prea practice...

N-ai putea sã iei puþin piciorul de pe...
I feel like throwing up.

Hold on tight ! O sã le rupem gura,
la toþi gãgãuþii ãºtia !

Google Translate can handle it; this link will take you there.

Tried Google Translate but could not get good clear translations of these lines.

This is what I came up with - I have no idea if it is good bad or indifferent:

It's okay, the two of us anyway
we will combine.

But they are in series!

This stupid Sam said he was going to catch them.

And not like that!

Know that we are not bored.
Soon we will be three million!

Leave it, with your job, you will find it
And work tomorrow!

Not to bother you more than once.

Grenada is more embarrassing
than the other ...

Especially if it doesn't impress them
machine gun and pistol ...

The only difference is the weight,
because the noise produced ...

So you have to sweep areas.
Let him go!

And now they will all be wondering
why not panic.

Behind the counter, facing you,
I'm the cashier and the clerk.

- Now, come on!
"I'm forcing myself in vain, I don't see anything."

And don't try to oppose it unnecessarily!
Want ?

Golim casa ºi o ºtergem!

Let's risk 15-20 years for the zdup for
a kiss?

He is in the position of the one who asks.

So I crush it, I crush it!

He'll jump on us from behind,
And damn it!

You realize how much it would cost us
such nonsense?

Tomorrow is Friday, it's Christmas.
It's being built and we're staying here until Monday!

If you don't want to spend time here
Holidays, your announcements.

And as soon as possible, in order to gain time,
that I have something else to do.

If we call the minister directly
he earns about four hours.

I say all this stuff especially
for you.

It's going to be a little Aries!

Don't be surprised if he takes you
like a squirrel!

These rude nonsense make me sick!

I'm getting better!

You will see at home what your face is ...

Now, we won't keep it like this for a hundred years!

I don't know if a hundred years,
but about 15-20, exactly!

If I hadn't offered, I'm sure ...

Especially as far as I'm concerned.

You tell him it's a nightly fare now.

The first months will be harder
for an active man like you ...

He told me to tell you it was you
in the bucket!

He laughed at one, but so did you!

Great! Paul, I took them with the price!

Nothing, but you know what it's like when you get angry.
the bullet leaves alone.

Give order ...

We're nice, but you care.
and you want so much!

In case of failure, there can be no question
early retirement.

Which one!

We get in the car, we drive
on the frequency of the police and we start.

If I understood correctly, we were stealing some papers
And we wipe it with them in the car. Isn't he an idiot?

Each time, I could have taken it out
from the bank whatever I wanted.

Even if, in the worst case,
I'll catch you, we're left with the money.

He would hand us the bottles,
This gorilla!

Solid, full of ritual scars
And with injected eyes.

This is not a grid, it's a strainer!
Call all cars.

This is yours.

- And the other one?
- In the office. It's over.

Not everyone is lucky
have to do with you.

Stop having fun!
You may change your mind quickly!

Nothing, Mr. Cowboy wanted to do
the figure with the killer shoeº.

No, there was no bloodshed.
You miss him always coming along.

It broke the poster only slightly
with an interest rate of 16%.

So what you will drag in the car
will be a hit being ... Come here!

Well, partly because these banknotes
small, not very practical ...

You couldn't take your foot off ...
I feel like throwing up.

Hold on tight! We'll break their mouths,
to all these Gagauz!