How to travel to Sweden

Greetings ! Planning to visit Sweden. Once the borderline has open what are the procedures pls any idea.
Thanks much 🙂♥️

Besides covid effects (which changes)
it's very hard to get approval.  Almost all Filipinos Swedish officials expect Filipinos to want to get here to stay to work so very hard to get approval as tourist.
EXCEPT there are many Filipinas in Sweden anyway got here by Swedish bf/husband has guaranteed the living costs for the period.  Can be visits to get to know bf, but If for living with bf/husband, then it can be a 2 year period with free education in Swedish, and can get work permit. After two years it can be possible to get permanent staying right including work permit.     Even before covid it took crazy long time to get such aprovals even when bf obviously have enough money to cover the very high living costs here.  BUT many Swedes DON'T have enough money to make such guarantee, so don't expect  to get approval just because a Swedish bf try to guarantee it.

Thankyou for reply I appreciate it ☺️💓

Seriously, I and my fiancé planning to get married in the Philippines when pandemic ends but I read some comments that it's better to visit first in Sweden it's a little bit easy.. and after another year will decide to get married there.
well, actually I'm not a new to go outside the country.. I visited already Asian countries, but I can say that I enter into a very small hole😂 it's really hard. But maybe I'm a good actress so, I passed in the immigrations here😂😌 just worried, cause if I will try to visit Sweden surely it's more hardly when it comes to Europe 😔💔💔💔

Before covid it took 19 months for a friend of mine tp get in his Thai gf to Sweden for the 2 years. I don't know how long time it took to get te visit.

If you plan to live in Sweden, then sure better visit here first - during WINTER so you know if you can manage winters   :)

(I belieeve it's bettet for "Westerner"Filipina couples to NOT live in the "westerner's" country because biger part of marriages succeed if living in the Philippines.)

And it isn¨t as economical good to live in Sweden as Filipinas live because living costs are much higher higher...     So I'm moving to Phils   :)
Filipinas get shock when I tell how much just the heating of my house cost  :)   400 000p pere year when I only heat less than half of it  :sosad:       
And many more Filipinos afford to have maid than Swedes   :)   I only know one Swedish household who has maid..

Hi Anneisthename,

Kindly note that your topic has been moved to the Sweden forum.


Priscilla Team   :cheers: