
Where are the best places to go for prices and sales in the Santo Domingo or Punta Cana area?

There are a number of places in SD.

Corripio Pricemart Plaza Lama consistently offer decent pricing depending on the brands you are looking for.

Sometimes Jumbo.

Every day it seems there are ads out from various smaller locations. There are all kinds of specialist stores. One of my favorites for TV and air conditioners offers specials and will match other store specials.  Sadly I know where it is but no idea of the name!

Always depends specifically what you are looking for!

I had seen some sales at Corripio but gone already. Stores are busy for the holidays this year? I will check Plaza Lama when I arrive,

Every store is full, it seems like a normal year but they close at 7!

Try - L&R Comercial

I bought a small freezer and ceiling fan recently.... sale on just now

The Nacional furniture stores have really good prices for many items, especially the Mahogany bed boards and cabinets.

I bought a king size set back in the early 80's that is still as good as new and many years later bought another set with the 6 ft. carved corner posts that was absolutely gorgeous. The ex took that when she went so I stayed with the original one I purchased.
It's well worth checking them out.

Thanks very helpful.