From Malaysia, looking for a job in France 2020

Hi everybody,

I'm from Malaysia, and I plan to move to France in October.

Do you know what is the easiest way to have help in every step of my arrival, i'm quite lost when i think about it, but i'm very exited at the same time.

Thank you
Kind regards


The easiest way to have help in every step of your arrival is to have a Malaysian friend currently living in France who has this kind of experience.

As for looking for a job in 2020, unless you already have a job lined up, I think it is going to be quite hard considering that so many French people have become unemployed during the pandemic. However, that should not stop you from trying because opportunities present themselves when you least expect them.

Hello Kerry --  I am interested in what you learn about moving to France .      let me know what you're looking for maybe I can help find the info..

Hi Steve, do you know anyone that is a Taekwondo Player but based in France to help me?