Moving to Poland in April

Hello , im 29yr old , about to be 30 in March , im portuguese living in Porto ,i have a secondary degree and i know fluent english and spanish , i have some job experiences but didnt last too long due to temporary contracts so i decide to choose Poland due to finding myself very related to polish people.
I have some face tattoos that are visible , is that might be a problem in Poland? I have trip to Warsaw but i havent decided nothing yet cause i wanna know about job opportunities and i know the unemployment rate in Poland is very low.
Any insights or advices would be perfect and very helpful


Eh, I think it won't be any problem, most of Poles have tattoos. People in biggest cities are always more accepting while those in smaller cities are rather against. So I advise you to chose a big one like Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań or Gdańsk. If you have any dilemma, discuss it with your employee before.

Thanks , my trip is set to Warsow , since last week that im trying to learn polish but its so hard , yesterday i got a call from the amazon in warsow , they looking for warehouse workers but i need to know the basic of polish so i said to skip the interview cause im not able still to talk in polish.. when i start thinking that im going to a new country and not knowing the language , i start getting nervous ,its the only thing blocking it , its the language barrier cause i know poland has a lot of jobs available for people with my qualifications (high college degree) , anyways thanks for the answer

You can always try to find a job in an international company,  I guess working there doesn't require knowing Polish much. Yes, Polish's very hard, even for Poles :(

Well i would feel more safe and in less despair if i knew the basic polish , im using duolingo cause here in my city (Porto/Portugal) theres no polish courses... Im trying to send my curriculum to companies that are looking for native portuguese speakers , or english advanced ones , i have both skills. Lets see what the future has for me, polish indeed is really hard , for example i know spanish and italian and i never studied those languages , but they are latin , so its quiet easy for portuguese people understanding spanish and italian people.

The biggest digest of international corporation's located in Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań, Wrocław or Poznań.