Research on Food, Filippino Domestic Workers, and Italian Families

Hi everyone,

I am a Master's student at the University of Oxford writing my dissertation on the influence of cooking and food for Filippino domestic workers and Italian employers. I lived in Milan last year, which is where my interest comes from. I am looking to find contacts in the Filippino domestic worker community and among Italian employers of domestic workers, as I would like to conduct short (30 min) interviews with people about the topic of food and cooking.

Please let me know if you are interested or have recommendations for people/organizations to reach out to. I can assure you that this research is for academic purposes only and identities will remain anonymous. Conversations will take place in a public place (a bar or café, for example).

Please send me an email ( or reply here if you are interested or have any information.

Thank you!

Best wishes,


my relative works at Maurys, he's a chief of a store
you would connect him via email ***

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