Experienced American Nanny for Hire

Hi! My names Skyler. I have several years of nanny/babysitting experience, and experience working with children of all ages.

For six years, I worked as "Teen Leader" for children in complicated family-life situations, mentoring kids for the ages 3-12 years old. During that time and for a few years afterwards, I worked as a nanny and/or part-time babysitter for different families. During this time I worked for families with children varying ages from a couple months old all the way to 15, 16 years old.

I was a nanny in Southampton, NY to a family with three children, caring for a 3 month old, a 3 year old and a 6 year old. During this time I was also a camp counselor in Southampton, working with children from the ages of 2-4 years old.

I also worked for a company called "Sitters on standby" where families would need a last minute babysitter (or care for elders). Some of these families turned into longer term arrangements as well.

I'm currently a grad student at USIU, and am available for nannying / babysitting services throughout the week outside of my class times.

If you have any further questions about my availability or my experience, please feel free to reach out!

Thank you,
Skyler Rutkowski

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You may well not be permitted to work either.  I am fairly sure that working is not permitted on a student visa.  In any case, you should check this out before attempting to work, or even advertise your willingness/availability for work.

If you are caught working illegally, the government don't mess about - your visa will be cancelled and you will be deported.
