Songwriter: 'tansan' in Korean?

Hi! I'm a songwriter and need some help with lyrics I'm writing for a Korean K-pop group. I want to say that I feel 'fizzy' and 'bubbly' like a carbonated or sparkling drink. I googled this and the word 'tansan' came up. I like the word as it's easy to sing and I'm wondering if you think 'tansan' kan be used this way in a song to describe that you feel 'fizzy' in the sense 'bubbly'? What do you as Koreans think about this? You might be laughing your heads off now because it sounds totally weird? Or would it work you think? Looking forward to hear your views. Thank you!
Kind regards,
Johanna in Stockholm

After Gangnam style, not a lot can be deemed weird

Hej Johanna,

You will receive better response if you ask this question on Korea forums

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