Job offer


I just received this job offer, and below are the numbers:

Total Salary SR 23, 438 per month
Basic Salary SR 14,205 per month
Housing Allowance SR 3,553 per month
Transportation Allowance SR 1420 per month
Education Allowance SR 1420 per month
Professional Development SR 1420 per month.

Since I won't need the education or professional development, I'm curious if you have to prove you're in school or participating in professional development to have that included in pay, or would I have to negotiate it with the hiring firm?



i think so

I emailed the hiring official about this, and he said the money is for whatever I need, and don't need proof of school attendance.

Hi Scrdn,
usually in KSA you get your total salary what ever is committed by your company or on your contact.

dnt worry.
