Looking for some advice on moving to Mauritius from the UK

Hi everyone,

I'm currently looking into moving to Mauritius and would like some advice on how to get started?

I'm aware that I'd need to apply for a work and residency permit but would I need to get a job first before acquiring the required permits and visas? Has anyone on here moved there first and looked for work while out there?

I'd be looking for something office based. Either in sales, operations, product management or customer service. I'm even willing to do retail or face to face customer service work to begin with.

Mauritius is such a beautiful place and I can really see myself living and working there so any tips, advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated! : )



Indeed you need an offer of employment in order apply for an occupation permit. This application is usually made on your behalf by your employer.
In any case, you are free - and mist welcome, to visit Mauritius on a tourist visa and then look for work during your stay.

hi kez
get in touch with me
watsapp ***

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