Student halls of Residence - Studierendenwerk

Hallo Leute!

My name is Suzy :D  I'm applying to study in Stralsund, Germany for the Winter semester 19/20 and I would like to stay in student halls of residence for a low rate. Due to their limited places, I registered and I am trying to make a reservation for a place to stay there. They have sent me an email as below:


Sehr geehrte Frau Luu,
Ihr Antrag auf Aufnahme in ein Studentenwohnheim ist hier am 20.06.2019 eingegangen. Sie
sind unter der Bewerber-Nr. 1xxxx registriert.
Bitte verwenden Sie diese Nummer bei allen schriftlichen oder mündlichen Rückfragen.
Ein Mietangebot oder eine Absage wird Ihnen ca. 6 Wochen vor dem Semesterbeginn/
Vorlesungsbeginn zugehen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Im Auftrag

Susanne Redmann

I would appreciate it if you could let me know what I should do next? I should wait or should I email them to ask about an offered place (since I have already received das Zulassung with the enrollment date)
Danke im Voraus! :D

susiluu wrote:

Hallo Leute!

My name is Suzy :D  I'm applying to study in Stralsund, Germany for the Winter semester 19/20 and I would like to stay in student halls of residence for a low rate. Due to their limited places, I registered and I am trying to make a reservation for a place to stay there. They have sent me an email as below:


Sehr geehrte Frau Luu,
Ihr Antrag auf Aufnahme in ein Studentenwohnheim ist hier am 20.06.2019 eingegangen. Sie
sind unter der Bewerber-Nr. 1xxxx registriert.
Bitte verwenden Sie diese Nummer bei allen schriftlichen oder mündlichen Rückfragen.
Ein Mietangebot oder eine Absage wird Ihnen ca. 6 Wochen vor dem Semesterbeginn/
Vorlesungsbeginn zugehen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Im Auftrag

Susanne Redmann

I would appreciate it if you could let me know what I should do next? I should wait or should I email them to ask about an offered place (since I have already received das Zulassung with the enrollment date)
Danke im Voraus! :D

They write that you will get an answer yes or no with in 6 weeks. There is nothing for you to do and probably nothing else to be done to influence their decision. You'll just have to hope for the best. When there is limited places it can be that not all qualified people get a place.

Thank you Tomin!!!  :idontagree:

I would add that foreign students are probably given higher priority than locals. The reason being is that it is much easier for a German student to find accommodation than someone far away. I am setting a link to an English language page for Stuttgart University that gives good tips for students to find accommodation that are probably relevant no matter which university one chooses. I was surprised to see mentioned that they have housing for 7200 students – but this is out of over 30,000 and some of the places are more than 40 KM away. … t/housing/

well I'm a bit worried since there is more or less than 270 places in student halls. The HS did recommend a few places as well but student house is the cheapest I guess

Living in Stralsund
Several other renovated buildings have been turned into student accommodation in Stralsund's historic town center and right next to the campus.

Student flats in the "Einstein-Quartier" very close to the university
Student flats in the Berufsförderungswerk Stralsund very close to the university
Kloster St. Jürgen am Strande (student flats "Mönchstraße") and Wohnanlage Alter Markt c/o Stralsunder Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH
Student accomodation Haus am Rügendamm
Student accomodation ahs-immobilienservice
Student flats in the Barther Straße HP GBR Elmenhorst
Student flats in Stralsund Wohnen in Vorpommern
Housing association "Aufbau" eG Stralsund
Frankenstraße 57 UNIKAT Immobilien
Haus- und Grundverwaltung Pergande
Youth hostel Stralsund
Younior-Hotel Stralsund
Student flats in Stralsund
Student flats in Stralsund
Student flats in Stralsund Immonet GmbH Hamburg
Student flats in Parow
Shared flats and flat market for Germany
Flat market
Online-Portal Immowelt
Property search engine


Moderated by Bhavna 4 years ago
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