Moving to Poland with a disability

Hello everyone,

Having a disability should not be a barrier to living abroad. While the intricacies of one's move to Poland may be specific to the individual, certain steps can be undertaken to make the process smoother.

What are the important aspects you would personally keep in mind during the planning phase (social security benefits, ongoing medical treatment, etc.)?

Are you required to go through a medical check-up before your move?

Are there any organisations or groups who lend support to expatriates who have a disability?

What are your thoughts on the infrastructure in Poland (public spaces, transportation and buildings)?

Are there enough opportunities to make the most of your social life in Poland? Are leisure activities made accessible to people with disabilities? 

Please do share your experience with us.


It's a flat city and pavements are well-maintained so not so difficult if you have mobility problems. The cycle lanes sometimes move from one side of the pedestrian area to another so you have to stay alert.  I was in a wheelchair for a bit and that was difficult. Trams have ramps. There is a disabled button to press. After everyone has got on and off the doors close and reopen with a ramp so don't panic.
In the Centrum area the wheelchair access is poor. At some points there is access at one side of the road but not the other. So, maybe they expect you to be cured underground. I twice ended up getting a taxi home because I couldn't cross a road and gave up.
Although access is sometimes poor, people will always offer to help if they see you are struggling.

Most doors on shops and public buildings have pull down door stops. Also, it's possible to find accessible places such as restaurants with toilets for people with disabilities.