Exporting Business In Vietnam, Hanoi

Hi everyone, my name is Rize. Before I ask my questions, this is what I had in mind.
Currently, I want to export cinnamon to Turkey, Pakistan and various other countries in Europe.
I basically have a huge land in the mountain that we grow cinnamon tree.

My question are:
How can we proceed to do our exporting business?
I heard we can outsource a company that have the exporting license to sell our raw materials, is it true?
What is the estimated cost of setting a business?
Do we need a warehouse to store the raw materials?

Hope to find some useful answer!

Hi I am from India. Looking for an employee in Vietnam dealing in Cassia. Can you help me.

Sorry I don't have an answer. I am just interested in the topic and would like the enquire if anyone answered your question that you could share here?
Good luck

No answer to my enquiry.

vgupta_76 wrote:

No answer to my enquiry.

This was your enquiry: 

vgupta_76 wrote:

Hi I am from India. Looking for an employee in Vietnam dealing in Cassia. Can you help me.

If you read that sentence as a reader instead of a writer, how do you think you would answer?

Let's replace Vietnam with India:  "I'm looking for an employee in India dealing in Cassia. Can you help me?"

Can you answer that question?

Let's say I have the patience of Job.  If I were, I would ask you right back:

Is the employee male or female?  Who does s/he work for?  Where in the entire country of Vietnam do you think this person is located? 

Or, if I were in guessing mood, I would assume (something I try NOT to do) you meant EMPLOYER instead of EMPLOYEE.  If that's the case, I would ask you right back:

How in the world do you think we can help you find an employer in the entire country?  What do you want to do with that employer?  Applying for a job?  What kind of skills do you have -- grower, harvester, dryer, quality controller, investor, or a CEO?

If job is what you want, you should go to job-related sites such as Linkedin, not expat.com, and while you're there, make yourself understandable to people who cannot read minds.

You have guessed it wrong, i meant an employee only. I did not mention male /female because i am comfortable with both options. Yes i should have mentioned north vietnam. But i needed some help so i am open to ideas.

vgupta_76 wrote:

You have guessed it wrong, i meant an employee only.

That's the reason I do not ever want to guess a poster's intention.

Finding an employee in the entire North Vietnam?  Whose gender you do not care to know?
I'm reading that you don't know for whom this employee is working, nor his/her position either.

I'm not going to ask anymore question.  I'm thinking you're a troll, and not a good one at that.

You think and guess too much for others.

vgupta_76 wrote:

You think and guess too much for others.

So you highjack someones thread and then decide to be a smartarse.