Where can we buy a vinyl tool shed?

We need to buy a utility shed/tool shed...has anyone seen them being sold anywhere?

I don't recall ever seeing one.  My only suggestion would be Pricemart

I'm with Planner but I don't recall seeing any there.  In this country they are built from concrete or metal.  There are some wood companies that carry Pressure treated wood and you can built a shed using this as framework and then you can buy metal or vinyl sheets to close it in.  Otherwise, order from North America and have it shipped.

Having said that I was able to purchase a vinyl house for my dog so maybe somewhere...

I would just have something made....
use the colored corrugated roof sheets if you like.

Plastic & vinyl don't like the UV we get here

Making it will be easy, fast & affordable

Thanks all. WillieWeb, do you know of any side job builder's in Cabrera? We used/tested a new crew...but would be open to other options...most builders are building whole houses...

I come back later this week....
I'll sniff around....
there are plenty of capable people .

I have a carpenter... but that may be more than you want.