Critical insurance or Long term illness scheme

Hi! I am from the US and moving to Ireland in 2020 (my husband is a citizen). I have Multiple sclerosis and am wondering what i do. So do I need critical illness insurance because that looks like a part of life insurance; or do I get basic free healthcare and I am covered under the long term illness scheme ? I just don't understand- please help

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

This link will answer your question.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

It doesn't :-( I'm just so confused with it all. It didn't say the difference between the two or if they're the same or different or if I need both .....

The Irish have a medical card system for which everyone is entitled to apply; it explains it here.

To apply for a card, you have to fill in the form here.

This link goes through the whole process step by step; it also provides a contact phone number for you to phone them and ask questions.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team