

My name is Mira, student in a bachelor of international trade and administration in paris. i'm currently in bangkok, and i'm looking for a  3 or 4 month training in KUALA LUMPUR. from may to july or august, or from may to august.
Anyway, i have already done a training in Kuala Lumpur, in a consulting company, I have experience in business development, market researches, prospection, sales and freight forwardes.
So please, is there someone who can help me to find this training,by giving me email or contact i can apply to, or if your company takes trainees, then i can send my application. honestly i've been looking for it for so long time now, i've been unlucky so far, and i've get no reply, that's why i came straight to bangkok, to have the opportunity to find one here or hopefuly in KL.

i'm very motivated and determined, i have strong organizational and interpersonal skills. and i'm very open minded and versatil. So i'm waiting for your help, please.
If i dont get a training then i'll fail in my graduation.

Thank you so much for you help.


Hello Mira,

I have moved your discussion to Kuala Lampur Anglophone forum for effective networking.


Oki thank you so so much for your help. I hope i'll find it soon.

Hi Miraaly,

Im with a MNC company in Kuala Lumpur, kindly email me your testi enabling me to submit the same.


