
I'm planning to move to Mexico from the US. My family has a lot of concerns for me doing this due to the US posting travel advisories as not safe. I'm hoping someone currently living in the Cancun area can respond and help me build a defense. I understand they are posting travel advisories for a reason but how dangerous is it really? To me, America is unsafe as well.

One other concern that was brought up, mind you these are not my words, “Mexico is a money hungry place and will do anything for money. That includes the police and government.” This was said to me due to someone that sat next to my sister on her last flight from Cancun who told her how he had rented a car, didn't understand the speedometer and was pulled over. The police wanted to arrest him for this but he paid them money and left him alone.

Obviously Mexico does have different rules and I want to believe no harm would intentionally be done to me just for money. I'm wanting to learn about Mexico and be able to change peoples poor mindset of it. Please help! 🙂

We have visited Mexico and plan to retire there next year.  South of Play del Carmen.  So far we have not had many problems.  It is a different culture and generally a very poor one but the people seem very nice.  Like you said many places in the US are just as bad and  mainly lots worse just do not get the news coverage.  I have found some blogs such as the Q-Roo one to be very helpful.
  We did get pulled over once in a rental car.  And did give the cop money.  NOT SURE how true this is but were later told most natives just do not stop that is how the cops know the tourists.  And in truth he had not singled out us specifically we just being good Americans pulled over.