Some Ideas on Car Insurance ?

Just trying to look for about how much car insurance will cost,  and what are the better company to look at.

Hi, try writing in a language we can understand and we will try to help you.


Don't know how much I can help you, but I will try, with my limited experience, here in Bulgaria.

I have a Mercedes insured (full kasko)  with DZI (, for approx 35. 000 bgn, and it costs me around 1.400 bgn annually (this is only my 2nd  year with car insurance in Bulgaria)

I live in Sliven, which might be more expensive than other places.

I heard that insuring the car in other places i.e. Vidin, will be less expensive, but I did not try this.

Best regards
Hans Jákup

Thanks for the info. will be going to BG next year and trying to work out some of the costs.