Which Date is considered ?

Hello Everyone,

I have a question regarding my permanent resident card. I have been living in Belgium Since Jan 2013.

I wanted to know when would i be eligible to apply for my permanent residency card as i get mixed answers from my commune, legal adviser.

Details -

1. First registration - March/2013
2. First ID card given - July/2013
3. 6th ID card received - Dec 2017

So complete full 5 years counted until March or July 2018 ?


Once you have resided in Belgium for a period of five uninterrupted years and you plan to stay in Belgium long term, you may qualify for permanent residency in Belgium. Certain residents will also be able to apply for Belgian nationality if they fulfil certain conditions. Both allow you to stay in Belgium indefinitely, working or otherwise, under similar conditions as Belgian citizens.

If you hold a Blue Card from another EU-member state, and have lived elsewhere in the EU for a certain period, this time can count towards your calculation of five years.

For more information: guide to Belgian citizenship and permanent residence.