Can I help with anything?


I am originally from England but now live in Rio. I work during the day, but don't have a great deal to do in the evenings. I wonder if there are any charity projects or volunteer organisations that I could help out? Because of my working hours I would only be available in the evenings or weekends.

All the volunteer organisations that show up on Google are those ones where kids from 1st world countries pay US$1000+ to do full-time work-study programmes. I am not looking for accommodation/homestay, but I think there must be something useful I can do to help, whilst hopefully improving my Portuguese. If anyone knows of anything or has any ideas on where I could get some good information then I'd love to hear from you. Thanks,


Hello Tom,

May be you can also help us by contributing & participating on the various discussions of Rio de Janeiro forum! :D


Yud, I'll do my best. That said, I'm really looking for something that will get me out of the house! ;)


Why don't you try to organize an Expat-Blog meet up in Rio, just choose a date & a convenient location and I will stick your discussion to the top of the discussion list.


Hi Tom, I guess you can volunteer at Casa do Caminho in Ipanema, it is a language school that raises money for an orphanage in Xerem, just drop by, it is in Farme de Amoedo 75, room 403. I am working there as a volunteer myself, but I am leaving in 2 weeks after 6 months volunteering

Have you tried one of the local rotary clubs or lions? They usually have some charity project going on. It's also a good place to meet people if you are willing to volunteer.

Cool, thanks for your suggestions people :)  I will investigate,


Hi Tom,
I'm just wondering if you managed to find any voluntary work as I am also looking to try and volunteer with an organisation. I would be really interested to hear about your experience.

Hi Niamh,

So far real life has kind of gotten in the way - looking for an apartment has suddenly taken up all my spare time. But once I'm settled I'll start following up the advice earlier in the thread. Update to follow! Cheers, Tom

Hi Tom,
Thanks for replying to my message.
Let me know if you discover any good volunteering opportunities and good luck with the apartment hunt.