Work visa and work permit

Hi my workvisa is aboUT to run out. I have been told to leave the country and get back in on a new work visa. Can my multiple entry work visa be extended without leaving the country? Also does work visa have to be in same company name as work permit?

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Jacira:   If you have a work permit, why not get a temporary resident card (TRC) and remove the need for a visa?

Because corrupt thieving immigration mafioso police will still give you a biz visa,  even if u have a work permit,  so they can steal a few hundred dollars more from you.

I am working in Hanoi with a business visa and recently got my work permit approved. It is just a single page document that my company partner has scanned and provided in an e-mail.

Just curious, is there no stamping done on the passport when you get a 2 year vietnam WP?
Am I now supposed to carry this document whenever i travel along with my passport?

Also, does anyone know how can I get a resident card done now. I am put up in a hotel currently.

Thanks for your response in advance!

I looked at my old permit recently and it was more than one page.  However that doesn't mean that they didn't streamline it.  There is no stamp in your passport because a WP is not a visa.  Everyone should repeat these three statements ten times daily before they go online:

A WP is not a visa.
A business visa by itselfdoes not allow anyone to work as an employee of a VN company or foreign company in VN.
A WP does allow you to obtain a temporary residency card (TRC.)

A TRC also allows you to exit or enter the country.  You will still need your passport for whatever country you are going too.

Your employer should obtain and pay for your TRC but if they refuse to pay, you should be able to ask their firm to help.  Basically it involves the same documents.  I suppose it may be possible but I never heard of anyone with a WP having been turned down for a TRC.  One caveat:  be sure you have two more years left on your passport

Thanks THIGV! That helps.