Do you speak Korean?

Hi everyone,

It is widely agreed that speaking Korean is essential for a successful integration in South Korea. Do you agree? Share your experience!

Do you speak Korean? If so, where did you learn this language? Where can one attend a language course in South Korea?

If not, how do you cope with daily activities? Is it easy to communicate in a different language with Koreans?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


Hi Priscilla,

  I agree that you should speak Korean. I speak , read and write Korean. You can get by without it, but your life and friendships will expand with the locals and merchants if you do.  Koreans faces normally light up and compliment me on how well I speak the standard dialect. Take the time to learn this language. A lot of nuances of respect and culture is embedded in it, so it goes a long way. And most Koreans want to learn English, and will offer to help you if they see you are struggling in the store to find an item. Good luck and start listening to the local Korean news stations to help.

