Your best business development ideas in Estonia

Hi everyone,

As a foreign entrepreneur, launching a business in Estonia is a fantastic project and an exciting challenge. Some ideas are likely to succeed. Some others are promising but may not work as well as intended.

In your opinion, what kind of business or industry is likely to succeed in Estonia? What kind of industry or service currently unavailable or underdeveloped in the country would meet local needs?

On the other hand, what are the most common business types foreign entrepreneurs would be eager to launch in the country but with very little chance of success?

Thank you for your insights.

Dear Priscilla, to invest time or money in Estonia is very difficult. Please check very carefully the Return on Investment and your target group before you start something.


I am also looking to start business in Estonia, i was your post here, do you have nay idea how much time and money it will take to start small scale business in Estonia.

As i have never been in Estonia through google i just com to know it is easy to start and run business in Estonia with low expenditure.

If you are still in process or settled in Estonia, please give me your feedback regarding the same.


I saw Pric massage and your reply to Pric and Im already  settle here. I also finding business opportunity here and  its bit heard to find new chance. I would like to know more about both of you and your business background If you are interesting to discuss more then you can write me below email

Hope your kind reply and Good Luck !!!

Kind Regards,

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