Distance learning in Germany

Dear all,

Can anyone advise me on whether distance learning for Bachelors from University of Wales is available anywhere in Germany?

I have been searching online but it seems to generate not much results. Maybe I've not been looking for the right sites.

By the way, I have also been taking basic german lessons, but it doesn't really seem to be helping much on learning, I suppose if I were to be thrown into an environment with people speaking the language all the time, it would be much easier?

If you're taking it directly from the University of Wales it would be available anywhere in the world.  When I was looking for programs in Germany, I couldn't find any online courses in Germany (not to say there aren't any, but it's definitely not very popular here).  Being in Germany, will definitely help your German.  My food vocab has gotten decent just from speaking German in restaurants.  Good luck with your move!