Moving to Charente Maritime in October. Looking for activities & work

Hi we are currently working in the Dordogne but are moving to Charente maritime in October, incidentally it will also be our silver wedding anniversary. Both of us are keen to be involved in activities which are taking place and are both looking for work. we are motivated and capable have a keen interest in working out doors (mind with winter coming that may change!!!) Andy has degree in conservation and I am retired from the NHS .we are a threesone as we have a 10year old collie

hello ,

i couldn't help but notice the experience you have working , living in France.

How has that been for you?

I have family there however i am nervous about moving if i do

- prudence -

Hi Prudence
Well we've been working on a campsite doing maintenance and cleaning duties and although we've had a good time ,we've come to the end of the season all but a couple of weeks .
To be honest doing it for free is a pain as I know the amount of work I've done like felling trees and strimming grass cutting ect would be a lot of money to hire someone to do it . Cleaning showers toilets ect would also be more money than the price of a pitch with electric and dog .
But and it's a big but working on a site is a safety net for us, a English speaking family in France that can speak fluent French was great and we learnt lots quickly.
We also had a base to explore . Because Andy is in to old scooters we have made some friends in La Rochelle and have a interest away from the expat community.
Getting a job is difficult and money for work offers . But hey we've got great tans now and had a great time.
All the best

I can imagine. sound lovely though. did you previously work in the UK then?
If sop how does it compare?


We worked for two campsites first one was Camping Devezeau at St Agneau, in the beginning it was quite nice and the work was what i liked . But after the last yrs helpers came it turned in to a nightmare the owners would come and drink all afternoon with them and although we were only 15 ft away they turned their back on us had afternoon teas and would invite them for meals out leave us on our own .So we thought after about 10 mins thought we hate this here so we looked for somewhere else .That was on the Monday by Thursday we had found a new place in the Dordogne Camping L'Etang Bleu  and have been extremely happy ever since .  Very relaxed and always made to feel welcome.
Working in the UK I was paid France I've not been .UK crap weather France  well I'm writing this in 30degrees and only rained a couple of times . English bread way better than France and I love English cheddar but that's about it .

oh great. so how many years work experience did you have prior to moving out of the UK to france?

I'm in my 40s wife is just in her 50s  so worked all our lives . I don't know how old you are and if you have a income .If your in your late teens early 20s big campsites are looking for staff and pay up to 1200€ a month.  older get a tad more .What you coming out to do ?  There are many things you can do if you are able to 1. Speak good French I can't ,2. Have a skill you can take with you .
The culture is Britain 30yrs ago lots of standards still  even the kids arnt on their phones when they are with friends they actually talk to each other .
We came over thinking we didn't want to be with other Brits we want to be apart of the French way of life but in reality you need the expats far more then you would think .