Travel on business visa or job offer first?

Hi there,
I'm not sure what is best. Whether to apply for  a business visa or any visa which gives one enough time to do a job search within Bahrain and change that visa to a work visa or wait to get a job offer before traveling. I'm trying to avoid the situations of overstaying and booking a return ticket. And the other thing,I'm hoping to get a better job so,i dont have to go through resigning and all that. Atleast not for now. And i also hope the job provides  me accommodation. How much should I budget for as a newcomer in bahrain? What's your advice on this. :unsure

Hey this is yasin am indian from mumbai here in bahrain since 20years working for music company, came all the way from south africa to bahrain for first time 20years bck, family living in capetown,hope to see u soon

Hi yasin

Sure. Hopefully.