Pending inputs from vetting agencies. Expected outcome is 2 months

Hello Every One Hope you all doing well  i am in Singapore holding LTVP i applied for job company accept me the company apply for me LOC Latter of consent i just check status the status is :Pending inputs from vetting agencies. Expected outcome is 2 months from the Date of Application.what its mean it will take 2 months please some one guide   me really worried about this

Vetting agencies are external service providers that check your credentials on MoM's behalf, e.g. by contacting your schools and ex-employers. This is to prevent faked certificates and profiles.
The process takes as long as the contacted organisations need to reply. 2 months is the average time according to MoM's experience, but it can take more or less.

Ok that's why but iam in Singapore they also take same time? Anyway thanks a lot

I have no idea whether your home country's schools, officials and companies need longer or shorter to reply if you're in Singapore - I assume not.