Replacement Identidade De Estrangeigo.

Replacement  Identidade De Estrangeigo.

I was robbed last week and they made off with various documents that I now need to replace.

Everthing ok so far except for  Identidade De Estrangeigo. I have a copy of the original but how do I get another original copy. The offices that I made my original application and collected my first one said that I had to make a new application and start again.

Any I deas from anyone as I`ve hit a brick wall as far as information and help goes.

It isn't going to be cheap by any means, but you apply for a "segunda via" of your Cédula de Identidade Estrangeiro at the Policia Federal. Go to the Policia Federal website and generate a GRU for Código da Receita STN  140139      Taxa      CARTEIRA DE ESTRANGEIRO (OUTRAS VIAS)     R$502,78

Print off the GRU and take it, along with the copy of your CIE, to the Policia Federal - Setor de Estrangeiro and apply for a new one. Expensive as hell, but if you have fire insurance it should cover the cost of replacing stolen documents, check with your insurer.

Also, you MUST report the theft of your documents to the police, if you have not already done so you should go to the Policia Civil and register a B.O. about the loss of documents. This should be done BEFORE you go to the Federal Police to request a replacement, they'll want to see the B.O.

James Experts Team

Thanks James Moneis not the issue it`s the lack of information of what to do.

So thankyou again.

You may actually have to instruct the people at the DPF about the segunda via, since most of them aren't Federal Police Agents, usually you deal with civilians who are contracted from outside and don't have the first bloody clue about what they're doing. Better still demand to deal with an Agent, and look for that pretty gold BADGE. Generally you get somebody who's a bit more on the ball that way.

James Experts Team

James is correct We were so happy to deal with a real agent when we did our initial process. He was straight forward and no nonsense..