Import duties with FM3 visa?

What can be brought into mexico with fm3 visa ?

If you mean on the initial move, just about anything.
Unless you want to load up a pickup truck and drive across which may get you less scrutiny than if movers do it, get a company that has experience in international moves and people who know how to list and value you items in Spanish.

I only had a few things that I wasn't going to leave behind, but while I was at it, I included a big screen TV and 3 computers.  United moved my stuff and hag a company that listed and valued the stuff in Spanish and there was no import duty or delay.

$5000 was about the minimum for an international move in 2008 and that's what I paid.  Only one wooden "van" was needed plus a separate crate for the TV.


Are you saying that you paid the moving company an "all inclusive" fee of $5,000, or the duty alone was $5,000?  I think that is very expensive, but I have never moved using a moving company before.
I, too, will be moving some day to the Yucatan, I think.  So I am very interested to understand the costs of bringing our own stuff down there.

AlicatAZ wrote:

Are you saying that you paid the moving company an "all inclusive" fee of $5,000, or the duty alone was $5,000?  I think that is very expensive, but I have never moved using a moving company before.
I, too, will be moving some day to the Yucatan, I think.  So I am very interested to understand the costs of bringing our own stuff down there.

An all inclusive fee.  That was for next to nothing in weight or volume.  A whole house worth?  God knows!  As far as the Yucatan?  Mine was only to Zacatecas.  It came by boat to Mazatlan I think and truck from there.

So how did you do your cross country (Zac to Cua) move, Gudgrief (or anyone else who has moved city to city in Mexico)? Movers, friends, rent a truck,or. . . ? I remember you said you live light, and so don't have much (I think that was you), so maybe it was easy.

nikolas4squid wrote:

So how did you do your cross country (Zac to Cua) move, Gudgrief (or anyone else who has moved city to city in Mexico)? Movers, friends, rent a truck,or. . . ? I remember you said you live light, and so don't have much (I think that was you), so maybe it was easy.

Yes, it was me. I have been in Coatepec since early October.  Lucked in a great apartment in a great location.  Expenses are about what they were in Zacatecas.

I used the only really cross country mover avail to pack me in Zacatecas.  The price was reasonable.  The move went on schedule and everything arrived in good condition.  Everything looked like it was seat of the pants but they knew what they were doing.  Not cheap but at $1500 a fraction of what a 600 mi move would cost in the US.

Thanks for some valuable information that is hard to find.  l, too, am planning on a big move to Mexico....probably to the Lake Chapala area....and it is such an unknown as to what a move will cost.  I had seriously planned to travel with my truck and bring some immediate essentials with me as soon as I had located a house.  I am at this time working to "simplify" my life and pare-down a lifetime of accumulation and wonder where to draw the line with what to hang on to and move to Mexico.  Any information is very helpful.  Thank you.

Thanks, Gudgrief. Yes, that is not bad at all. I spent $380 to move a bedroom apartment's worth of stuff (and not much of that) 20 miles away, and that was with a super discounted mover. My ex-wife's move just 100 miles up the road to Virginia cost over $2000. So those prices you mentioned seem quite decent.

I would be interested in the "boat" aspect of things. Once you got your FM3 what happened to the boat? Flagged in Mexico, paid import on it ? sold it ?  I am thinking of getting a FM3 but I will live on the boat in Mexico, when not sailing the Caribbeans. But I need a base somewhere, so looking into Mexico.

First of all, there hasn't been an FM3 for almost 5 years.  Now it's called a Resident Temporal or Permanente. You have to apply for those Visas at a Mexican Consulate in your home country.

If you are going to be in and out of Mexico you'd probably be fine with a Tourist Permit or FMM

You also can get a 10-year TIP (Temporary Import Permit) for the boat ... much like for a RV