Top 10 Pet Peeves with Posts to Expat Sites for CR

Okay, here are my top 10 pet peeves related to items that are often posted on these Expat discussion sites:

1. Responses that say "I agree" or "I disagree"...  but fail to mention the name of the person the comment relates to.  (Note: Often this response comes after an intervening post, and it is not clear who's previous post is being referred to.)
2. Posts that ask "Where can I find ..."   but that do not say where the originator is located.  I may respond with a place that is far from where you live.  (Or similarly, a post that says "I am selling ..."  but does not say where the originator is located.)
3. Posts that advertise a new store or restaurant that is opening but that do not provide a sufficient description of where the store or restaurant is located.  (This applies mostly to local Facebook sites.)  If you want customers to come, make sure they know where to go!
4. Posts that ask "Where is the best place to live in CR?"  but that do not provide any information about the originator's likes and dislikes, needs, and expectations for where they would live.  (Everyone's opinion of "the best place to live" varies.)
5. Questions from newbies such as "What are the residency requirements in CR?"  Please, first do a Google search on the subject and read what you can find.  Then ask specific questions about things that are not clear.
6. Posts that ask a question that has been asked a few times within the past few weeks.  Please try the "Search the Costa Rica forum" feature on the main page for keywords before posting a new question if you are new to the group.
7. Responses that provide outdated misinformation to important questions.  We all make some mistakes since CR laws often change, but quoting a requirement that changed several years ago will not be very helpful.  Try to keep up with changes in the laws if you want to help others with responses.
8. Posts and responses that do not provide a balanced view of living in CR - living in CR is neither "living in heaven" nor "living in hell".  CR can be a great place to live, but don't be afraid to mention some things that can make life more difficult.  And don't just post negative opinions either.
9. Posts about topics that are not related to CR.  Subjects like US politics should be posted elsewhere, unless you make a direct connection to living in CR.
10. Responses to this post that say it is too critical of others!  I've made some of the above mistakes too - I'm just trying to make things easier based on my own experiences!

I know that some people will be "peeved" at some of  the items I listed above.  Sorry.  If you agree with this list, please click "Like".  And please feel free to add more "pet peeves" - but don't be too harsh!

I would like to add not to post recommendations until the work has been completed especially in the case of applying for Residency and you have a cedula 'in hand'.

Hello redbeard,

There's a very old saying that generally goes pretty much like this...

"The only person you can change is yourself."

It really is true! While most of the things on the list of what you get peeved about are quite true, just posting the peeves is not going to stop them from happening in any way. Trust me, I know from experience. I've been deeply involved with Expat-blog, now for five years. Almost all of that time as a member of the Experts Team answering questions, giving out information about bureaucratic processes, giving advice and assistance to all who need it. My posting count is fast approaching the 11,000 mark and I've probably responded to twice that many private messages throughout the years.

One would think that after all that I would have gotten sick and tired of all the questions that get repeated hundreds of times, or the inquiries that could be resolved with a quick Google search, and the half responsed from other members who give a kernel of information and leave out more than they've provided. I don't get flapped because I understand the reason that I'm here, and that is to be the source of information here in Brazil (and several other countries) that didn't exist when I first came here 14 years ago. Someone to reach out to for help in sorting one's way through the highly complex process of moving to, and adapting to life and living in a strange country. I'm also a firm believer in the old saw, "There's no such thing as a dumb question." I understand that every question is based on a genuine need to know something, even if that question has been answered a million times before, or could be quickly answered by a Google search.

Sure it would be easy to say something like... "Heck, why don't you just look through some of the past postings?" or "Have you ever heard of Google or", but I don't do that. I don't expect everyone here to know everything, or to do the things that I would do, or in the way I'd do them myself. What's the big deal about answering a question for the umpteenth time, if the answer is right on the tip of your tongue anyway??? Wouldn't that, in fact, be much easier and the "charitable" thing to do?

Know what? Many of the thousands of PMs that I receive each year come from other members who've probably asked a question that had been answered before, or could be answered on Google. PMs thanking me profusely for the help I've given them, telling me about how with that help they managed to get their visa, or had a successful visit or even got married and are now living out their dreams.

You've been a member here for just under 3 years and in all that time have 21 postings (average of 7 per year), and you've got a list of GRIPES???

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe that's because you've just set your expectations for everybody else here too high? Like I said at the very beginning, "The only person you can change is yourself." As well intentioned as your posting may be, would you feel good about another member pointing an accusing finger at you, if you were responsible for some of the conduct you mentioned? Likely not.

The whole concept of is sharing our experiences, information or just moral support. That means PARTICIPATING on the forums, not just sitting back "lurking", reading postings, yet not contributing much. Then on top of it, posting a list of things that has gotten them ticked off, despite the fact that they themselves haven't made much of a contribution. Just saying!

James Experts Team

James, sorry that my post "peeved" you.  I do think that pointing out some of these things may change posts by some people, although I know that most of these things will continue to occur.  It does not hurt to remind people.  In fact, some of my pet peeves are quite similar to the "Costa Rica Forum Code of Conduct" for this site, or are similar to its intent.

If you look at my 21 former posts, I have tried to provide useful information to others.  I do not attack people personally when their post matches one of my peeves - I felt that it would be better to post this as a list rather than make it personal.

I participate in several Expat forums and have made hundreds of posts to ask or respond to questions.  I have not participated on this forum as much as the others, as it is not as active a forum.  I also recently posted my pet peeves on two other expat forum sites - on one of them I have received 34 "Likes" indicating that many others share my "peeves".  It is not intended to be mean spirited, just a reminder to people to think about their post a bit before hitting the "send" button.