Driver's License

Hola! We have now lived in Panama for 3 months and our Texas license is no longer valid to drive on. What is the process for obtaining a driver's license? Must we once again go to the City and wait in lines and spend days as we did obtaining our Visas? Thanks for any help or information!

Call or email Luis Arce, +507 6536-1179,

He is a driver with his own A/C van, but knows everything and everyone in Panama. He got us our driver's license in less than 3 hours. He will drive you from place to place as it takes more than one location to get your driver's license. We and many others have been using Luis for many years. He speaks English. The first thing that you need to do is to get your driver's license authenticated at the U.S. Embassy. It is best to make an appointment on line, which will cut down dramatically on your time waiting there. Then Luis can take you to get the rest accomplished.

Buena Suerte,


I second the recommendation for Luis. I believe you must be legal residents of Panama though, to get a drivers license. Otherwise you need to leave the country, do the border hop thing, and when you return with a new stamp in your passport you are good for another 90 days.