Moving to england from ireland

Hi i have been living in ireland since 2001 and i was 21 then and me and my wife were looking to move back to england but was looking for advice

Before i moved to ireland i was working so would i be able to claim jobseekers or is it to long ? and my wife who was born in northern ireland but was only there for a few months before moving south would she be able to claim and would she have a national insurance number


Eastyy wrote:

Hi i have been living in ireland since 2001 and i was 21 then and me and my wife were looking to move back to england but was looking for advice

Before i moved to ireland i was working so would i be able to claim jobseekers or is it to long ? and my wife who was born in northern ireland but was only there for a few months before moving south would she be able to claim and would she have a national insurance number


Good morning Eastyy,

There are a lot of changes happening within the benefit system. I would suggest that you check out the government website - try "claiming benefit in England" on Google as I'm sure it will take you to the right place.

You have to prove that you are actively job hunting when you are taking JSA, if you don't then your benefits are stopped immediately.

Are you currently working? If so you will have to explain in your application why you terminated your employment.

Just to let you know: when I completed my application online last May (made redundant), it took me 3 hours to's not easy.

Good luck 🍀

Chuckle Butty

Cheers have been chasing some of it up as it was not clear. Like mentions if you moved from abroad to england you cannot claim for three months....but then it says somewhere else if it was a place like ireland then you can.Also it mentions claiming £114 per week for a couple but does not say if that is £114 for both of us or £114 each.  I was made redundant last year

When you completed your application what were the things that were not easy ?

Eastyy wrote:

When you completed your application what were the things that were not easy ?

None of it was easy, that's why it took me 3hours to complete.

The best thing to do is to start a claim by filling in the forms online and seeing how far you get. You can fill in a bit and then return to it at a later date. The application also tells you if you are eligible to claim anything based on your information.

Chuckle Butty