Attacked by a foreigner in hanoi

hi, I inform this for all foreigner living in Hanoi,
there was a lady was attackted in a lane in Ngocha village in Hanoi by a foreigner, he spoke English and French, looks polite but attacked a lady in a cruel way.
he is now being seeked by the police.
people should be careful for this foreigner man.

It is so sad to hear that,Vietnamese is so friendly to all the foreigners.

oh, it's a foreigner attacked a Vietnamese laday in Vietnam land, It's even more sad to say that.

Where did you get the information from? Coz i stay nearby, you scared me

hi, it's happen in front of my eyes. He is a foreigner. white, speak English and French. He must live somewhere around the village. I hope he is not there for long.

hahaha how the hell did you know he speaks those 2 languages? he was swearing in both at the time that happened or what? and its funny how you say "people should be careful for this foreigner man." i dont know about others but given that little of info, i guess i will have to watch out for every single white dude walking on the street in vietnam then. lol

yes, sure. he spoke both languages by the time.
Yes, we are now scary of any white man passing by the village. It's like very bad impress. always keep an eye on any of them passing by.