Justin Beiber

OMG!  My 17 yr old son just got his first girlfriend (yippee).  But I was told he looks like some dude named Justin Beiber.  So I looked up his web-site and holly $%&#!  He does look like him.  Haven't had the father-son talk w/ him yet (hopefully they did a good job in school teaching that stuff).

father-son talk? you missed that boat by  about 6 years, my friend!

I would say 17....

Just drawing from my poor pathetic path as a youth.  I didn't have a girlfriend till college.  My own daughter looked at my high school photo and told me directly, and I quote "I wouldn't have dated you either!"  Of course my daughter is a gorgeous 6 ft tall blond (now dyed bright red - college thing).

I agree with Alliecat on this one. Apparently in Australia the average age for a teenager to loose their virginity is 13. I did not know what that meant when I was 13. I am glad I do now!

Anyway, CivEngr if your son looks like the Beiber than watch out! The girls love the Bieber and he is bound to get some action. You should drill him on contraception mostly, forget abou the birds and the bees because he is already collecting honey!

Am beginning to realize that this "V" thing we were all "hyper" about many decades ago is kinda losing its fancy with the new generations. What percentage would you think would really be concerned amongst the present day teens?

That's why I'm reluctant on the kids thing. It's a messed up world that we've turned into.

If we are talking about boys/men then at a maximium 5% in botht the western and islamic world. If were are talking about girls/women then I would say 10% maximium in the western world and 60% in the islamic. Before anyone jumps on thier high horses I am not suggesting that there is a difference in values, there is just a difference in cultural and social norms that prevent it in Islamic worlds. Take for arguement sake a girl in Saudi, if she desired to loose her V, it would almost be impossible due to the cultural resitrictions.

Also on the difference between men and women; men are hunters and women are nesters.

Agreed, the percentage of concern amongst girls even in South Asia, especially in the villages will also be high (maybe 50%) on account of the same socio-cultural-religious reasons, not necessarily amongst Muslims only but even within Buddhist,  Hindu, Christian, and Catholic groups.

Apparently its this urbanization, global village, open and free media frenzy society thats giving rise to less concern and care about its "values" or even need.

When a very large percentage of the population starts seeing it as unnecessary then it will automatically die a natural death. Guess we could call it the new evolution?

Poor Darwin is missing all the fun!

Actually, I've read that 're-virginization' (hymen reconstruction) of Middle Eastern girls is BIG business in Europe for cosmetic surgeons.

Poor fellers, they will all have to start singing "hymns" for their honeymoons

musicman wrote:

Poor fellers, they will all have to start singing "hymns" for their honeymoons

or saying prayers - Amen!

Alliecat wrote:

Actually, I've read that 're-virginization' (hymen reconstruction) of Middle Eastern girls is BIG business in Europe for cosmetic surgeons.

You've hit the nail on the head Allie - statistics are there but the reality is a totally different picture.  Whatever percentage the so called experts wish to throw at us, they are not worth the paper they are written on.  When you are talking boy and girl, man & women you are going to equal sex.  Whatever the religion, culture, social norms - people will want and will find a way to have sex.  So, before puberty hits (and these days its as young as 9 in girls) you have to inform them of safe sex (first and foremost)  STIs (sexually transmitted disease) is the critical one to avoid cos by doing so you avert unwanted pregnancies, HIV, Herpes - do you need me to go on!  Now this is talking cross gender sex - I am not even going to go there on the topic of same gender sex ......  It's complex - but sex is sex and people want it!

Alliecat wrote:

Actually, I've read that 're-virginization' (hymen reconstruction) of Middle Eastern girls is BIG business in Europe for cosmetic surgeons.

Indeed it is..bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8641099.stm
