Riyadh Zoo

Good Morning all. Can someone help me with an email address for the Riyadh Zoo. Preferably for someone in authority there, I need to apply for some paper work through them. Thanks

Riyadh Zoo
Postal Address and Contact:
Riyadh (Malaz - Al Ahssa Street also known as Pepsi Street)
P.O Box: 27055
Postal Code: 11417

Phone: +966 1 477 9523
Fax: +966 1 479 3968
E-Mail: info@zoo.com.sa
Website: www.zoo.com.sa

Thank you musicman much appreciated

musicman wrote:

Riyadh Zoo
Postal Address and Contact:
Riyadh (Malaz - Al Ahssa Street also known as Pepsi Street)
P.O Box: 27055
Postal Code: 11417

Phone: +966 1 477 9523
Fax: +966 1 479 3968
E-Mail: info@zoo.com.sa
Website: www.zoo.com.sa

My house is not even 5 min drive away from the zoo but I have never been there:(

Is it necessary?

musicman wrote:

Is it necessary?

Yes,it is...I want to see White tigers :/

Oh definitely see the White Tigers, they're very impressive.

nzpounamu wrote:

Oh definitely see the White Tigers, they're very impressive.

Yeah,I saw pictures and i was fascinated with these smart creatures ...but I got to know Zoo is really good but it stinks :( and u need to walk a lot :rolleyes:

thats cos the animals have not been taught to flush

musicman wrote:

thats cos the animals have not been taught to flush

:lol::lol::lol: Oh Poor them!they should have ...hannnn????

...and these days they are installing sanitary ware from China that generally dont do the job and leave the bowl spotless